1 |
A Short Guide to Monitoring and Evaluation This is a A Short Guide to Monitoring and Evaluation that you can download as a reference. It provides a high level overview of the contents of the toolbox. Details on data collection methods or tools are provided in the online toolbox.
77405 |
0.871847 |
2 |
Copy of the Show Me the Change post-conference questionnaire This is a PDF copy of the Show Me the Change post-conference questionnaire that was delivered online through Opinio software. The questionnaire uses a 7-point scale.
19841 |
0.158672 |
3 |
Cost Tracker Template A simple template to assist you in tracking your planned and actual costs in order to help you monitor and evaluate the efficiency of your project expenditure.
13362 |
0.065024 |
4 |
How to conduct lessons learnt workshop guide This short guide contains background information and a session plan to help you conduct a lessons learnt workshop for your project.
29801 |
0.430318 |
5 |
How to select questionnaire questions This template will assist you in selecting questions that relate to your monitoring and evaluation plan, which should help keep your questionnaire short and succinct.
14895 |
1.088627 |
6 |
LFA Training Generic Agenda Generic agenda for the LFA training delivered as part of the the EU-funded and SPC managed GCCA:PSIS project.
6459 |
0.321749 |
7 |
LFA Training Learner Guide Learner guide for the SPC GCCA:PSIS Proposal Writing using the Logical Framework Approach workshop delivered in nine Pacific Island Countries in 2013-2014.
18154 |
1.587037 |
8 |
Monitoring and Evaluation Plan Template Use this template to develop a monitoring and evaluation plan for your project. You will be able to enter the main evaluation questions, the monitoring questions that relate to the evaluation questions, and the data collections needs and responsibilities.
48626 |
1.132088 |
9 |
MSC Story Selection Template This template can be used to classify stories into domains and review and select 'significant change' stories.
8422 |
1.080798 |
10 |
Phone Audit Template This template provides an example of a household audit form that could be delivered via a phone interview with households. The downside of a remote audit such as this is that it does not allow for the verification of changes. You may want to consider asking for proof (eg. invoices) for major changes.
7111 |
0.062976 |
11 |
Post-activity Examples of Questions and Scales This template provides you with examples of different types of questions and scales that can be considered in designing a post-activity questionnaire. You can cut and paste the question formatting into a new document and modify as needed.
36842 |
1.288616 |
12 |
Post-activity questionnaire template This provides you with a template for a post-activity (eg. workshop) questionnaire that you can modify as needed.
32953 |
1.228599 |
13 |
PowerPoint to Accompany ORID Focus Group This PowerPoint accompanies the ORID focus group running sheet and can be used as a visual prompt to remind participants of the ORID process.
7820 |
1.898496 |
14 |
Program Logic Template An A3 size template that allows you to develop a program logic, or to copy down a program logic following a workshop.
19390 |
0.57687 |
15 |
Running Sheet for a Program Logic Workshop This template provides an indicative running sheet to guide a person in running a workshop to develop a program logic for a project.
16399 |
1.138696 |
16 |
Running Sheet for ORID Focus Group This provides an outline of how to run an ORID-style focus group.
7447 |
1.128292 |
17 |
Sample Monitoring and Evaluation Plan A sample monitoring and evaluation plan for a kerbside recycling project. Complete with evaluation questions, monitoring questions, indicators and sources.
40298 |
0.2816 |
18 |
Semi-stuctured interview data collection and analysis template An Excel file that provides a data collection and analysis template for recording and codiing responses from semi-stuctured interviews.
26348 |
0.065024 |
19 |
Significant Change Story Template You can use and modify this template to collect the change stories for your project. This template could either be used by an interviewer as a prompt, or by participants to write down stories.
9914 |
1.059256 |
20 |
SLAH Electricity Consent Form An example of a consent form used by the City of Port Phillip's Sustainable Living at Home program to obtain participants electricity consumption details from the distributor.
5231 |
0.023472 |
21 |
SLAH Gas Consent Form An example of a consent form used by the City of Port Phillip's Sustainable Living at Home program to obtain participants gas consumption details from the distributor.
5325 |
0.023464 |
22 |
SLAH Water Consent Form An example of a consent form used by the City of Port Phillip's Sustainable Living at Home program to obtain participants water consumption details from the retailer.
5113 |
0.069494 |
23 |
Stakeholder Analysis Template Use this template to undertake your stakeholder analysis.
16193 |
0.423933 |
24 |
Template to identify your evaluation audience and evaluation questions This template can be used to identify your key evaluation audience, their evaluation questions, and the timelines for the evaluation reporting.
24574 |
1.075956 |
25 |
Time Tracker Template A template to assist you in tracking staff and in-kind time and funding (planned vs actual) in order to help you monitor and evaluate the efficiency of delivery of your project.
9386 |
0.06144 |