Links and Resources
There are many other useful websites and resources exploring the themes of evaluation and behaviour change. We have listed a short summary of some that we hope you will find useful.
Behaviour Change
- Social marketing and public education campaigns *NEW
- Community Based Social Marketing *NEW
- Show me the Change conference website
- Selling Sustainability
- The Australian Psychological Society: psychology and climate change
- Transforming Behaviour Change: beyond nudge and neuromania
- Politically smart, locally led development
- Creatures of Habit? The Art of Behavioural Change
- Motivating Sustainable Consumption Review
- MECHanisms- make energy change happen toolkit
- Behaviour Change: GSR Knowledge Review
- Behavioural economics Seven principles for policy makers
- Big Pocket Guide to Social Marketing (new edition)
- Townsville Residential Energy Demand Program (Community Survey Findings Report
- UK House of Lords report on Behaviour Change 2011
- Awake - Psychology of sustainability (free newsletter archive)
- RSA Projects:Social Brain
- Steer: Mastering our behaviour through instinct, environment and reaso
- Engaging People in Sustainability
- Big Pocket Guide Social Marketing
- Education for Sustainability Professional Learning Hub
- Promoting Persuasion in Protected Areas: a guide for mangers who want to use strategic communicat...
- The Psychology of Climate Change Communication
- Weathercocks and Signposts: The environment movement at a crossroads
- Lessons learned from Our Water Our Future behaviour change framework
- Enabling Change
- Tools of Change
Presenting Findings
- Evaluating Environmental Education - IUCN
- A Little Book of Evaluation
- Proving and Improving wesbite
- Evaluation Toolkit
- Measuring the Success of Environmental Education Programs
- Outcome Mapping from the Overseas of Development Institute
- Outcome Mapping Learning Community
- Change! Tool
- NSMC tips on evaluation
- Better Evaluation
- Evaluation framework for CMA natural resource management
- SEQ residential end use study
- Residential End?Use Measurement Guidebook A Guide To Study Design, Sampling And Technology
- Collecting Residential End Use Data From Primary Sources: Do’s And Dont’s
- Blog: A Tip-a-Day by and for Evaluators
- Handbook on monitoring, evaluating and managing knowledge for policy influence
- Are We There Yet? A Communications Evaluation Guide
- Smart Toolkit for evaluating information projects, products and services
- Remotely Engaged? A Framework for Monitoring the Success of Stakeholder Engagement in Remote Regions
- Monitoring the success of stakeholder engagement: Literature review
- International Initiative for Impact Evaluation
- Proving and Improving Practical Guides to Evaluation
- Learning for Sustainability
- Real Evaluation Blog
- Splash & Ripple: using outcomes to design and manage community activities
- A Developmental Evaluation Primer
- Tools and Approaches for Evaluating Extension
- Reflect and Improve: A Tool Kit for Engaging Youth and Adults as Partners in Program Evaluation
- Handbook on Planning, Monitoring and Evaluating for Development Results
- Developing and Using Program Logic in NRM
- Basic Guide to Program Evaluation
- Sustainability Victoria's Program Evaluation Journey
- Genuine Evaluation Blog
- The Australian Evaluation Society
- Evaluating Community Engagement
- W.K Kellogg Foundation Evaluation Toolkit
- University of Wisconsin Program Development and Evaluation
- Evaluation Step-by-Step Guide
- Guide to using research in sustainability programs
- Does my project make a difference? A guide to evaluating environmental education project and prog...
Community Engagement
- Community Engagement Toolkit: Policy & Procedures, Liverpool City Council
- Lets Talk: A Consultation Framework, VLGA
- Community Engagement Toolkit, Warringah Council
- Towards Whole of Community Engagement: A Practical Toolkit, MDBC
- Better Evaluation - Participatory Evaluation
- The Community Tool Box - Participatory evaluuation
- The International Association for Public Participation for Australasia
- 2011 Community Engagement Survey Results, BBS
- Bang the table (online engagement)
- Effective Engagement Toolkit, DSE