Tool Selector

What tools should you use to collect monitoring data for your project? It all depends. Unfortunately there is no magical rule or formula to follow, however once we know what data we need to collect to answer our evaluation questions, some logical choices present themselves.

When should I select the monitoring tools for my project? Selecting the tools for your project should come naturally when creating your monitoring and evaluation (M&E) plan. When you create your M&E plan you will be forced to think ‘what tool or method will I use to collect the data I need to answer my evaluation question’.

The matrix below lists some common monitoring tools that you can integrate into your M&E plan.  If you have an activity in mind and want to know what tool you could use to monitor the activity, then try our Tools for Common Tasks table.

You can also get an idea of the most appropriate tool by referring to where you are on the project manegement cycle.

List of monitoring and evaluation tools


Tools for Common Tasks

We know selecting the right tool can sometimes be confusing, so we’ve provided you with some recommended tools to monitor and evaluate some common tasks

Common project tasks & activities Suggested tools
Workshop, conference, intervention or public event
Measuring changes in resource use
Effectiveness of communications materials
Measuring project efficiency
Documenting lesson’s learned post-project
Communicate outcomes
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