Case studies

SPC Logical Framework Approach Training Project

On this page you can:   learn about using the Logical Framework Approach to inform Proposal Preparation Project download free training resources used to deliver the training read a summary of the findings from the training evaluation       Introduction to the using the Logical Framework Approach to inform Proposal Preparation Project. The Global […]

Case studies

SPC Logical Framework Approach Training Project Part II

The Logical Framework Approach (LFA) is a useful process and set of tools used to design and plan projects. This page provides a case study summary of how training in the LFA was applied to improve proposal writing in six Pacific Small Island States. This case study (Part II) follows on from the first round

What is evaluation

The Logical Framework Approach

The Logical Framework Approach (LFA) is a systematic and participatory approach for project design and planning.  By following the LFA, projects will also document information that will help inform their monitoring and evaluation. The LFA is like a diagnostic tool that helps you understand why things are happening.  It helps uncover what the core problem

Case studies

Collecting billing data as part of the City of Melbourne GreenSaver program

The following case study is based on a summary of the GreenSaver Evaluation report (Gabrielle Stannus, City of Melbourne, December 2007) Introduction The City of Melbourne planned and delivered the GreenSaver Program between 2004 and 2006.   The program aimed to achieve energy and water savings at a community level by conducting energy and water audits

What is evaluation

Social Learning

Social learning and evaluation Evaluation itself can be a vehicle for social learning, thereby enhancing the evaluation process as well as leading to learning (Measham, 2008). Social learning can be used to explore and analyse the change and adaptation process to highlight strengths and weaknesses in the design of a behaviour change and community adaptation

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Submit your case study

We invite you to share your knowledge and skills with the wider community by submitting your case study here.  We’ll review the case study and publish it on our the evaluation toolbox site. If you prefer, simply email us your case study or contribution. {aicontactsafeform pf=3}

Case studies

Creating an outcome hierarchy for Bayside REAP project

The Residential Energy Assessment Program (REAP) was delivered in the Bayside City Council community, Melbourne, in 2008, with assistance from the Victorian State Government. The REAP trained voluntary Assessors to carry out on-site assessments and worked with residents in 66 households and personnel in 15 community organisations (eg: sports clubs) to reduce greenhouse gas emission

Links and resources

Links and Resources

There are many other useful websites and resources exploring the themes of evaluation and behaviour change.  We have listed a short summary of some that we hope you will find useful.

Case studies

The Ambassadors’ Stories- a case study on using the Most Significant Change method with the Whitehorse Sustainable Ambassadors

Introduction The Most Significant Change (MSC) is a method of participatory evaluation that involves the collection of significant change stories at different levels of the intervention (for example program staff, change agents, intervention participants) and collectively deciding on the most significant change stories based on selected themes (called domains). The domains reflect broad categories, such

Summative Evaluation Tools

Outcome Hierarchy

Outcome Hierarchy (OH) is an often-used process in project design as a way to clarify the program logic. As an evaluation tool, OH can be used to identify  what capacity that has been created by the project. The information provided can be used for formative evaluation for future project design, as well as outcome evaluative,

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